Class of 2024

Their vision was to build enduring and sustainable partnerships between Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana and Johnson County businesses, fostering a continuous and abundant stream of adult mentors to cater to the increasing population of underserved youth, ensuring a brighter future for the community.
Many youth in Johnson County are faced with the challenge of not having support or a role model to look up to. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana seeks to change this by calling on adult mentors, known as “Bigs,” to provide support to youth in the community. “Bigs” are paired with “Littles” between the ages of 8-14 and meet for 5 hours a month to check in and partake in fun activities around the local community. When selecting a non-profit to partner with, impact was important to us, and we would like to think the partnerships we have made will impact the lives of young people in Johnson County for years to come.