Carolyn Goerner Wins Pribush Leadership Award

To celebrate our 25th year of leadership training, LJC established an award to honor our founder, Bonnie Pribush. Bonnie’s vision, dedication, and leadership built the strong foundation on which the program has thrived. The award is bestowed on an individual who inspires others by making positive change in the world.
The inaugural winner, Carolyn Goerner, has shown leadership in a variety of ways. She is a member of the LJC Board of Trustees, a frequent facilitator at the LJC Select Workshops, and the co-developer of the LJC Women in Leadership conference. A beloved professor at the IU Kelley School of Business, she has championed many classes and causes for students over her tenure.
She is the founder and leader of the Kelley Young Women’s Institute, a program designed to help young women learn of the opportunities that exist in business. Carolyn is also the owner of Practical Paradigms. Carolyn’s motivation is always to help others learn and grow, providing them with the tools they need to create a better world. She is a true example of a distinguished leader: intelligent, genuine, passionate, and inspiring.